Objects and Sculpture
The main theme I explore in my work is the idea of control, both in the physical world and within our own consciousness. I am fascinated by the physical means of control we encounter and the influence of unseen structures and systems of everyday existence that modify our experiential reality. My work is also inspired by the textures and forms of the natural world and the geological structures and surfaces that occur. I am drawn to subtleties found in such hard and unforgiving materials and landscapes and from this I strive to find the beauty and elegance in often overlooked remnant structures and surfaces. I use the subtle and subversive manipulation of found objects create sculptural jewelry forms and contemplative objects that represent a reconstructed reality. I also employ the concepts of chance and failure in my studio practice through pushing materials and processes to their breaking point, as well as the exploration of casting and brazing techniques and using the resulting textures and structures at the starting points and components for new pieces.